Introduction to Cyber Security (Part 1)

Introduction to Cyber Security (Part 1)

Since security is one of the most crucial components of our lives, the idea of security is not new today. It has always been a component to take into account while making decisions.

For example, we all need to protect our homes or anything valuable to us; and we sometimes go as far as using different locks, even multiple ones, just to help secure our assets, which we also refer to as "CROWN JEWEL" in Cyber security.

Different technological innovations, new solutions, and new ways of doing the same things are available today. This also increases the attack surface (the number of ways in which an attack can be carried out); that is, the more technological innovations we have, the more security-conscious we must be.

We must be aware of how to protect ourselves and our assets. Our assets (Crown jewel) vary depending on the person, and the peculiarity varies as well. That is, our information, devices, credit card information, and even information as minor as what you choose to post on social media can be an asset because it can be traced back to you.

Information security is a wild scope that encompasses a lot of fields in it, even fields such as agriculture also need security today because you need to protect your research and new products. As a result, we must exercise extreme caution when it comes to securing our assets.